Trap, Neuter, Return of Feral Cats

501c3 Non-Profit
P.O. Box 156
South Lyon, MI 48178

There is more than one way to donate money:

Since Feral Kitty Trappers TNR, Inc. is an all volunteer organization you can be assured that 100% of your donation will go right to the mission itself. We don’t have high overhead costs like other organizations who pay high salaries. We put all of your donations right back into the cats who need our help. Your donation is tax-deductible, as we are a tax-exempt, nonprofit and 501(c)3.

Donate to TNR

We happily accept any of the following items all year round!

Mail Us A Check

Feral Kitty Trappers TNR
P.O. Box 156
South Lyon, MI 48178

  • Canned kitten and cat food (pate’ style preferred)
  • Dry cat food (any brand)
  • Paper towels
  • Mini paper plates
  • Tall kitchen garbage bags
  • Liquid hand sanitizer
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Laundry detergent
  • Disinfecting wipes (Clorox preferred)
  • Cat carriers – all sizes (used ones are fine)
  • Dog cages – at least 36″ deep and 24″ wide (used ones are fine)
  • Gift cards to Walmart, Costco, TSC, Meijer or Speedway gas station
  • Towels of all sizes and flat bed sheets

Adopt a Cat Today!

Donate Online!

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Try Amazon Smile. Choose Feral Kitty Trappers as your non-profit by which Amazon will donate 0.5% of purchase price!